Legalized weed has been a game-changer in many states, but the question remains of how marijuana impacts child custody cases.
Violation Of Parenting Plans: Motion For Contempt
It’s often difficult to remain part of your child’s life after a divorce or breakup. One thing that helps ensure you’re able to do this is the parenting plan. This document outlines all the specifics of custody, visitation, holidays, and all the other schedule issues. But what if your ex …
Can Criminal Charges Impact Child Custody?
When it comes to disputes over custody, the court places the best interests of the children above all other concerns. That’s the general rule. This includes parental preference and convenience. Given this stance, it’s easy to imagine how criminal charges might impact child custody battles. If they come into play, …
What Is A Parenting Evaluation?
A parenting evaluation is a formal investigation to assess the parenting skills of the parties involved to determine the primary caregiver.
Tips For Keeping Child Custody Exchanges Civil
If you have kids, after divorce you’ll likely still have to see your ex at custody exchanges. Here are some tips to make the swaps easier.
Oregon Custody Laws for Unmarried Parents
Divorce and child custody cases often go hand in hand, but not always. Not everyone gets married before having kids, so what rights do unmarried parents have in these situations?
After The Court Appoints A Guardian Ad Litem
The court may appoint a guardian ad litem during a custody case, but what does that mean and what should you expect once that happens?
Right Of First Refusal: What You Need to Know
The right of first refusal can be an important piece of a child custody order. After divorce or battles over guardianship, non-custodial parents can use this measure to spend as much time with their kids as possible. A few questions come often. How does the right of first refusal work? …
Establishing Paternity in Oregon: What You Need To Know
We love our kids and our worlds often revolve around our children. Which is why child custody cases grow so heated, raw, and emotional. It’s also why establishing paternity and paternity fraud are such big issues when it comes to family law. Custody cases get complicated and contentious. There are …
Third-Party Custody And Grandparents’ Rights In Oregon
Third-party custody often arises when a grandparent steps into parental roles when the biological parent is absent or unable to fill them.
Split Custody: Will Courts Separate Siblings?
Divorce arrives with changing living situations, new schools, and uncertainty. Siblings often lean on each other to make it through these tough times. But during the process, the question comes up: Under what circumstances will the courts separate siblings in divorce? What Is Split Custody? Split custody is essentially an …
How to Find the Best Child Custody Lawyer
How do you find the best child custody lawyer? This is a big question. Few things get us as riled up as our kids. That’s a big reason why custody cases so often become intense and antagonistic. We want to fight for what’s best for our children. To ensure this, …
Child Custody Modification After the Fact
Before the court grants a modification, the person requesting the change must demonstrate a substantial reason. If you can’t show adequate cause, the court will most likely dismiss your case.
Can Your Ex Stop Your Kids From Playing Sports?
You probably noticed, but kids today are busier than ever before. Cluttered with extracurricular activities, social engagements, and more, it seems like they’re always running to what’s next. Sports often play a big part in this. They can be hugely beneficial: they’re a way to get exercise, make friends, learn …
How Is Custody Determined For Children With Special Needs?
Raising a child with special needs only increases the challenges in divorce. A child with special needs has exactly that, special needs. What this entails depends on the precise nature of the disability. This may involve regular medical care, specific medications, or particular dietary requirements.
Can You Terminate Parental Rights in Oregon?
Being a parent is a tough job and a huge responsibility. Depending on who you talk to, it may very well be the toughest gig around. Rewarding, fulfilling, and worthwhile, it’s also demanding, draining, and not for everyone. Is it possible, for those so inclined, to sign away parental rights? …
Child Custody: Fathers’ Rights Oregon [With Infographic]
When it comes to custody, many think fathers and mothers have different rights. That’s not true. Here’s what to know about fathers’ rights.
Can A Custodial Parent Relocate After Divorce?
Co-parenting after divorce is difficult. Custody arrangements, parenting plans, schedules, and continuing conflict between exes all impact parenting time. And circumstances often change. What if one parent plans to move with a child? What can you do about potential relocation after divorce? In general, the law recognizes maintaining close relationships …
Status Quo Orders In Divorce and Child Custody
During divorce and breakups, child custody battles often become heated and contentious affairs. In some situations in Oregon, the court issues temporary orders lasting the duration of a case. This may include temporary custody arrangements or even implement temporary child support. Some divorces and separations start with one parent taking …
Oregon Custody: The Best Interests Of The Child
When it comes to child custody, the courts follow one overriding principle: the best interests of the child. This phrase comes up frequently when kids are involved in divorce cases. But what does it actually mean? While it may sound simple and obvious, like most things in family law, it’s …
Do Step-Parents’ Have Rights in Oregon?
As common as divorce and remarriage are, the topic of step-parents comes up often in cases that involve children. More specifically, questions about step-parents’ rights and responsibilities frequently come up. Step-parents often form deep emotional bonds with children who aren’t biologically theirs. It can be devastating to lose these. Children …
Child Custody If A Parent Has a Mental Illness
Mental illness affects many people. Still, it’s often a difficult topic for many people to talk about. Even if kept hidden, mental illness impacts every facet of a person’s life, as well as those around them. It often has a devastating influence on relationships and marriages. Not only does it …
Fighting Parental Alienation
In the wake of a divorce, it’s not uncommon for parent-child relationships to take a hit. You may not see your child as often and you may not be a part of their day-to-day lives. This is tough, but it’s even worse in cases where parental alienation rears its ugly …
UCCJA: How the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act Works
What is the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act and how determining jurisdiction impact child custody cases?