Over the course of a marriage, two lives become intertwined. The longer the marriage, the more interwoven they become. Like others, long-term marriages end for a variety of reasons. As the years go by, however, unique divorce issues arise. What should you look out for? Shorter marriages are understandably usually …
How Does Student Loan Debt Impact Divorce?
Money problems ruin at least as many marriages as infidelity, probably more. Financial strain is a huge source of stress for many people, both individuals and couples. One area where we feel the pinch in a major way is student loan debt. The tally of outstanding student loan debt in …
Pro Se Divorce: When Is DIY The Best Option?
With the spread of online guides and resources, do-it-yourself divorce has never been more accessible. When is pro se divorce a good idea?
How Long Does Divorce Take In Oregon?
We call it the “divorce process” for good reason. It takes a while to end a marriage. But just how long does a divorce take in Oregon? You may be ready to end your marriage right this minute, but it’s a journey, one that takes time. No two marriages are …
Jurisdiction: Does Where You File For Divorce Impact Your Case?
Jurisdiction has a huge impact. Here’s what you need to know about where you file for divorce and how it influences your case.
When Should You Hire a Divorce Attorney?
There are a lot of questions to ask in the process of ending a marriage. One is whether or not you need to hire a divorce lawyer. The more complicated your situation, the more you’re likely to benefit when you hire a divorce lawyer. While you can handle the details of your split yourself, having representation benefits you in a number of areas.
Does Legal Marijuana Impact Child Custody?
Legalized weed has been a game-changer in many states, but the question remains of how marijuana impacts child custody cases.
No-Fault Divorce in Oregon: What are Grounds for Divorce?
When you read about divorce, you often see “irreconcilable differences” listed as the root cause of the separation. You hear this phrase frequently because the term comes from the modern “no-fault” divorce code. What Is No Fault Divorce? It’s been in the news lately, but what exactly does no-fault divorce …
How Has the Divorce Rate Changed With Each Generation?
The common refrain is that the divorce rate in the United States hovers around the 50% mark. Except it doesn’t, and never has. The hows and whys of that, however, are a topic of conversation for another time. In reality, the divorce rate is lower than in years and has …
Prepare For Your Initial Divorce Consultation
The first meeting with a divorce attorney can be daunting, but fortunately, there are ways to prepare for your initial consultation.
Is the 50% Divorce Rate a Myth?
One statistic tossed around frequently is that 50% of all marriages end in divorce. The number varies a bit, but the gist is that roughly half of weddings have a corresponding divorce waiting. As ubiquitous as this figure is, many just accept it as fact. But is the legend of …
Can Criminal Charges Impact Child Custody?
When it comes to disputes over custody, the court places the best interests of the children above all other concerns. That’s the general rule. This includes parental preference and convenience. Given this stance, it’s easy to imagine how criminal charges might impact child custody battles. If they come into play, …
How Substance Abuse Impacts Divorce
Countless factors contribute to the end of a marriage. Every situation unfolds differently, but drugs and alcohol too often play into divorce. Hugely detrimental to relationships, the question remains of how substance abuse impacts divorce. Addiction to alcohol, prescription pills, illegal drugs, and more affects millions of people and often …
How to Divorce in Oregon
Ending a marriage sounds harrowing and dramatic. It can get complicated. We often field questions from people asking how to divorce in Oregon.
Can My Ex Come After My New Spouse’s Income?
Child support tends to get tricky. There’s a formula involved, but it accounts for many factors. Of course, the income of both parents, as well as level of need, figure prominently in the final amount. But does a new spouse’s paycheck influence the number? Like most court orders, once in …
Creating a Divorce Strategy
Divorce often looms on the horizon for quite some time before a couple finally pulls the trigger. In many cases, people are emotionally prepared for the process by the time they file the documents. But being emotionally prepared and being ready in a practical sense are two different things. Ending …
Whether To Sell Your Home During Divorce: 5 Questions To Answer
For most of us, a house is the most expensive thing we’ll ever buy. The question often comes up of whether or not to sell your home during a divorce. Here are five questions to answer to help make this decision.
Is Oregon A Community Property State?
When it comes to the division of property, Oregon follows equitable distribution, not the community property model. But what does that mean?
Is Summary Dissolution Your Quick Divorce Answer?
Divorce is a long, drawn-out process. It involves countless court dates, meetings with lawyers, and an endless back and forth as the two spouses bicker over every last detail. At least that’s what many people expect. But that’s not always how it goes. In certain situations, summary dissolution in Oregon …
Oregon Custody Laws for Unmarried Parents
Divorce and child custody cases often go hand in hand, but not always. Not everyone gets married before having kids, so what rights do unmarried parents have in these situations?
Choosing Between Divorce and Legal Separation
Ending a marriage is a huge decision. It’s a choice that impacts every facet of your life. Divorce is the most obvious option when a relationship is over, but in some cases, it’s not the best one. There are situations where staying married, but separating might work. It begs the …
Does Dating During Divorce Harm Your Case?
In some cases, dating during divorce can affect division of property, child custody and visitation, child support and even spousal support.
Establishing Paternity in Oregon: What You Need To Know
We love our kids and our worlds often revolve around our children. Which is why child custody cases grow so heated, raw, and emotional. It’s also why establishing paternity and paternity fraud are such big issues when it comes to family law. Custody cases get complicated and contentious. There are …
Does Oregon Have Common-Law Marriage?
You’ve probably heard the term tossed around, but what is common-law marriage, how does it work, and does it have a home in Oregon?
How Does Spousal Support Work In Oregon?
Also called alimony or spousal maintenance, spousal support is court-ordered payments that are intended to help a dependent spouse get back on their feet or ease financial hardship.
How Is A Business Divided In A Divorce?
The courts view your business as a divisable asset, and that’s what the court looks at. If you start a business while married, it will likely be considered marital property. That said, you’re not completely without ways to cover yourself. If you started the business before you were married, it would be treated as separate property. But if you invest joint funds, commingle marital and business assets or your spouse invests sweat equity it will muddy the waters.
Split Custody: Will Courts Separate Siblings?
Divorce arrives with changing living situations, new schools, and uncertainty. Siblings often lean on each other to make it through these tough times. But during the process, the question comes up: Under what circumstances will the courts separate siblings in divorce? What Is Split Custody? Split custody is essentially an …
How to Find the Best Child Custody Lawyer
How do you find the best child custody lawyer? This is a big question. Few things get us as riled up as our kids. That’s a big reason why custody cases so often become intense and antagonistic. We want to fight for what’s best for our children. To ensure this, …
Divorce Statistics: From the Interesting to the Surprising
Looking at out-of-context divorce statistics can be overwhelming. They range from intriguing and valuable to just plain strange.
Can Your Ex Stop Your Kids From Playing Sports?
You probably noticed, but kids today are busier than ever before. Cluttered with extracurricular activities, social engagements, and more, it seems like they’re always running to what’s next. Sports often play a big part in this. They can be hugely beneficial: they’re a way to get exercise, make friends, learn …
5 Things Kids Can Learn From Fantasy Sports
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. No, we don’t mean Christmas, Thanksgiving, or even St. Patrick’s Day. We’re talking about football season. The NFL season is right around the corner, and with it comes fantasy football. We’re all neck deep in statistics and metrics, reading articles, and keeping …
The Division of Property and Divorce in Oregon
As opposed to community property states, where all property acquired during marriage belongs equally to both spouses, equitable distribution views the property as belonging to the individual spouse who earned it.
How Is Custody Determined For Children With Special Needs?
Raising a child with special needs only increases the challenges in divorce. A child with special needs has exactly that, special needs. What this entails depends on the precise nature of the disability. This may involve regular medical care, specific medications, or particular dietary requirements.
Does It Matter Who Files For Divorce First?
It’s a double-edged sword. Presenting your case first gives you the chance to make a convincing first impression. However, by presenting first, you reveal your strategy. Your spouse and opposing counsel then have time to tailor a response.
Child Custody: Fathers’ Rights Oregon [With Infographic]
When it comes to custody, many think fathers and mothers have different rights. That’s not true. Here’s what to know about fathers’ rights.
Mistakes Men Make In Divorce
Over the course of the process of ending a marriage, things tend to get messy and complicated. There are a number of common mistakes made in divorce. Mistakes that damage your own case. In straightforward, low-conflict cases, things may progress smoothly. However, with forms to fill out, appointments to appear …
Dividing Debt In Divorce In Oregon
No matter the name on the title, credit card, mortgage, auto financing, or business loan, Oregon presumes both spouses acquired a debt.
How Do You Ask For A Divorce?
Marriage isn’t always sunshine and puppy dogs. It often takes a lot of work, time, effort, and struggle. And still, it doesn’t always work out. Try with all your might, sometimes you just can’t make a marriage work. But when it’s time to pull the plug, you face one massive …
Why Moving Out is a Big Mistake In A Divorce
Moving out during a divorce may seem like a natural choice, but has an impact on custody, the division of property, and spousal support.
Can You Get a Divorce If You Can’t Find Your Spouse?
You can still get divorced even if you can’t find your spouse. However, the process obviously changes if you can’t locate your significant other.
Oregon Custody: The Best Interests Of The Child
When it comes to child custody, the courts follow one overriding principle: the best interests of the child. This phrase comes up frequently when kids are involved in divorce cases. But what does it actually mean? While it may sound simple and obvious, like most things in family law, it’s …
Can You Make a Major Purchase During Divorce?
The divorce process comes with any number of expenses. You have court costs, filing fees, an attorney to pay, and even a change in tax status. In many cases, you need to find a new place to live. Perhaps your custody arrangement necessitates buying a new car to shuttle kids …
Do Step-Parents’ Have Rights in Oregon?
As common as divorce and remarriage are, the topic of step-parents comes up often in cases that involve children. More specifically, questions about step-parents’ rights and responsibilities frequently come up. Step-parents often form deep emotional bonds with children who aren’t biologically theirs. It can be devastating to lose these. Children …
5 Common Ways To Celebrate Divorce
People love to celebrate. We’ll take any excuse to throw a party, whether it’s a holiday, a promotion at work, or the Trailblazers making a playoff run. While we usually think of ending a marriage as a serious, somber affair, that’s not always the case. Increasingly, many people take the …
Divorce Over Politics? How Political Differences Cause Divorce
Political differences always present challenges to relationships, but such strife is now playing a larger role in divorce than ever before.
How COVID-19 Affects Divorce, Support Payments, and Child Custody
COVID is a strange time for everyone, but we’re still here to do what we can to guide you through as best we can. We have received many questions from clients that we want to share the most asked questions.
The Epic Divorce Saga of Brian And Cassie Kimmell
Divorce often turn crazy and twisted, but hopefully, yours doesn’t get this nuts. In Port Orchard, Washington, a man recently pleaded guilty to perjury and forgery in one of the most bizarre divorce stories we’ve heard in a while. And it just keeps getting weirder as it develops. It’s like …