should you hire a divorce lawyer?

When Should You Hire a Divorce Attorney?

Goldberg JonesDivorce, Featured Content 24 Comments

There are a lot of questions to ask in the process of ending a marriage. One is whether or not you need to hire a divorce lawyer. The more complicated your situation, the more you’re likely to benefit when you hire a divorce lawyer. While you can handle the details of your split yourself, having representation benefits you in a number of areas.

what is the actual rate of divorce?

Is the 50% Divorce Rate a Myth?

Goldberg JonesDivorce, Featured Content Leave a Comment

One statistic tossed around frequently is that 50% of all marriages end in divorce. The number varies a bit, but the gist is that roughly half of weddings have a corresponding divorce waiting.  As ubiquitous as this figure is, many just accept it as fact. But is the legend of …

How Substance Abuse Impacts Divorce

Goldberg JonesDivorce, Featured Content 1 Comment

Countless factors contribute to the end of a marriage. Every situation unfolds differently, but drugs and alcohol too often play into divorce. Hugely detrimental to relationships, the question remains of how substance abuse impacts divorce. Addiction to alcohol, prescription pills, illegal drugs, and more affects millions of people and often …

business as an asset divorce

How Is A Business Divided In A Divorce?

Goldberg JonesDivorce, Divorce Process, Featured Content, Finances 1 Comment

The courts view your business as a divisable asset, and that’s what the court looks at. If you start a business while married, it will likely be considered marital property. That said, you’re not completely without ways to cover yourself. If you started the business before you were married, it would be treated as separate property. But if you invest joint funds, commingle marital and business assets or your spouse invests sweat equity it will muddy the waters.

mistakes men make in divorce

Mistakes Men Make In Divorce

Goldberg JonesDivorce, Featured Content 3 Comments

Over the course of the process of ending a marriage, things tend to get messy and complicated. There are a number of common mistakes made in divorce. Mistakes that damage your own case. In straightforward, low-conflict cases, things may progress smoothly. However, with forms to fill out, appointments to appear …

telling your spouse you want a divorce

How Do You Ask For A Divorce?

Goldberg JonesDivorce, Featured Content Leave a Comment

Marriage isn’t always sunshine and puppy dogs. It often takes a lot of work, time, effort, and struggle. And still, it doesn’t always work out. Try with all your might, sometimes you just can’t make a marriage work. But when it’s time to pull the plug, you face one massive …

do step parents have rights

Do Step-Parents’ Have Rights in Oregon?

Goldberg JonesChild Custody, Featured Content 1 Comment

As common as divorce and remarriage are, the topic of step-parents comes up often in cases that involve children. More specifically, questions about step-parents’ rights and responsibilities frequently come up. Step-parents often form deep emotional bonds with children who aren’t biologically theirs. It can be devastating to lose these. Children …

why celebrate after divorce

5 Common Ways To Celebrate Divorce

Goldberg JonesDivorce, Featured Content 6 Comments

People love to celebrate. We’ll take any excuse to throw a party, whether it’s a holiday, a promotion at work, or the Trailblazers making a playoff run. While we usually think of ending a marriage as a serious, somber affair, that’s not always the case. Increasingly, many people take the …