do step parents have rights

Do Step-Parents’ Have Rights in Oregon?

Goldberg JonesChild Custody, Featured Content 1 Comment

As common as divorce and remarriage are, the topic of step-parents comes up often in cases that involve children. More specifically, questions about step-parents’ rights and responsibilities frequently arise.

Step-parents often form deep emotional bonds with children who aren’t biologically theirs. It can be devastating to lose these. Children face similar trauma, having developed a connection with an adult even though they may not be related by blood.

Unfortunately, this happens all too frequently.

Step-Parents and Child Custody

In most cases, ending a marriage with the children’s parent usually means ending the relationship with the kids. That’s the unfortunate reality of this situation in most cases. The situation does change slightly if you adopted the child as your own, but still, it’s a tough row to hoe.

When deciding on custody, the courts put the best interests of the child above other concerns.

Unless there are extenuating circumstances, that usually means keeping the kids with the biological parent.

Related Reading: How Criminal Charges Impact Custody

Continuing Relationships

Just because you get a divorce, that doesn’t necessarily mean step-parents can’t have a continuing relationship with the children. Again, this depends on the particular situation, especially the people involved and the nature of the relationship.

There are two common potential avenues:

  • Visitation: Visitation is frequently the most realistic way to continue a relationship with a step-child after divorce.
  • Custody: Custody does remain an option, but is not often a realistic one for step-parents.

Seeking custody of a child is difficult for anyone, especially if you’re not a non-biological parent. This includes step-parents, grandparents, and other members of the extended family. For this to happen, the court generally requires sufficient justification that they’re protecting the child’s health and well-being.

Related Reading: Finding the Best Child Custody Lawyer

Difference Between Custody and Visitation

With these two potential avenues, it’s important to know the distinction between custody and visitation. They’re very different things and the court approaches each with many factors in mind.

Legal custody means that the guardian—usually a biological parent—has the right to make decisions for the child. These decisions cover all facets of their life. Where to go to school, which doctors to see, what religion they practice, and everything else falls to this person. If it involves maintaining a child’s well-being, it’s the guardian’s responsibility.

Legal visitation, on the other hand, means the court grants the noncustodial parent permission to spend time with the child. This can be either supervised or unsupervised, depending on the case. Visitation gives access to the child but doesn’t impart any decision-making authority as it does with custody.

Again, when making decisions about a child, the courts use the best interests of the child as a baseline. This includes decisions about both custody and visitation.

In cases of biological parents, in most situations, the court views keeping both parents a part of the child’s life as in their best interests. Exceptions include cases of abuse or neglect, drug use, or when the child’s safety may be in question.

Related Reading: Oregon Custody: Parenting Evaluations

Step-Parents’ Rights

When making decisions on custody and visitation, the court considers many things. They account for established relationships, the potential benefits or drawbacks of a continuing relationship, any history of abuse, and the fitness of the people involved. This goes for biological parents, but also for step-parents.

A continuing relationship can benefit both you and a child. Step-parents invest time, love, energy, and financial resources into building stable, caring bonds with step-children. These are meaningful to all the people involved. When faced with divorce, the potential loss of this connection can be devastating. To both parent and child.

Odds are, the courts will leave the decision whether or not the child can see you up to the custodial parent. If you’re antagonistic and can’t communicate without fighting, that doesn’t bode well.

If you have questions about your rights as a step-parent and the potential to remain in your step-child’s life, it’s probably in your best interest to speak to an experienced custody lawyer. They can address the specifics of your situation, give you an idea of your options, and tell you whether or not you even have a case.

Related Reading: Unmarried Parents’ Rights

Comments 1

  1. Oregon for that matter the USA is a family law backwater…….most other 1st world countries have one national standard family law system not many different laws for different states or regions….The USA system is more expense and inconsistent thereby creating more injustice and less access by parents….a total disgrace and misery for all concerned

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