should you hire a divorce lawyer?

When Should You Hire a Divorce Attorney?

Goldberg JonesDivorce, Featured Content 24 Comments

These days, it’s easier than ever to file for divorce. You can find the forms online, fill them out yourself, and, if you follow the proper procedure, end your marriage. This do-it-yourself approach works like gangbusters in some situations, but not in others. At some point in the process, you need to ask yourself: Should I hire a divorce attorney?

Should You Hire A Divorce Lawyer?

You have a lot of choices to make during this time, and deciding whether or not to hire a divorce lawyer is a big one.

By this stage, you’ve probably asked yourself many questions, like why are you staying married? Can you save your marriage? If divorce is truly the best option? It’s important to contemplate these topics.

The question of whether or not to hire a divorce attorney generally comes up after the decision has already been made to divorce or separate. Maybe you filed for divorce, maybe it was your spouse, or perhaps it was a mutual decision.

The DIY approach works great in many cases. That’s part of why it’s become so popular. But it also tends to be a better fit in straightforward situations. This usually means shorter marriages without children, with little shared property, and where you agree on everything.

Related Reading: Pro Se Divorce: What Is DIY Divorce? 

What Factors Complicate Divorce?

It is still possible to handle more complicated divorces on your own. But remember, the more complex things become, the more potential hazards you face. Ending a marriage affects custody, your finances, and much more.

The more complicated your situation, the more you’re likely to benefit when you hire a divorce lawyer. While you can handle the details of your split yourself, having representation benefits you in many areas.

Division Of Property & Assets

The more assets you have, the more complex the division of property becomes. This includes homes, cars, bank accounts, and even retirement benefits. Oregon is an equitable distribution state. That means the courts view property as belonging to the spouse who earned it. However, that doesn’t mean the court divides everything along those lines.

They aim for each spouse to emerge on relatively even financial footing.

Ideally, courts want both parties to enjoy the standard of living they had while married. Spouses can work together to divide assets. However, the more conflict you have, the more problems usually arise. You may want to hire a divorce lawyer to help ensure the agreement is fair and balanced.

Related Reading: How Are Businesses Divided During Divorce? Can You Protect It?

Child Custody

Having children complicates divorce proceedings in many cases. Custody battles often grow heated and contentious. Again, it is possible to work out a parenting plan between you and your spouse. But in these situations, things get hectic and tangled in no time.

Having representation helps in many ways, and this may influence your decision to hire a divorce lawyer or not.

In child custody cases, the court’s overriding mandate is to do what’s in the child’s best interest.

Enlisting an attorney experienced in his area often proves hugely beneficial. Not only does having a third party help calm down raging emotions, but a professional helps develop a strategy to protect your rights as a parent.

Related Reading: How Legal Marijuana Impacts Child Custody

Child Support

When you have children, child support usually comes into play. How this affects you generally has a lot to do with the custody situation. In general, the parent with the most overnights receives the payments from the other.

There’s a general formula for determining child support that accounts for need, income, and many other factors.

These payments cover the costs of caring for the child in question, both regular expenses and also unexpected costs. This includes but isn’t limited to:

    • Food.
    • Clothing.
    • Shelter.
    • Education.
    • Medical care.
    • Any other necessities.

Related Reading: Fathers’ Rights and Child Custody

Spousal Support

While child support has a formula, spousal support is less systematic. When determining whether or not to award spousal maintenance, the court weighs many elements. They consider, among other factors:

    • Need.
    • Age.
    • The length of the marriage.
    • Any continuing health concerns.
    • Future employment opportunities and earning potential.

The court doesn’t award spousal support in every case, and it can continue indefinitely or only last for a limited time. Ideally, an attorney with experience will prevent you from agreeing to terms you can afford, or ensure you get enough to meet your financial needs.

Related Reading: The Cost of Divorce: What You Need to Know

Divorce Settlement

The DIY approach may result in a quicker, cheaper split than if you hire a divorce lawyer. That said, it may also lead to unexpected issues in the future.

As we’ve said, the division of property, child custody arrangements, spousal support, child support, and other areas get complicated. They also have a huge financial impact on your life moving forward.

Divorce settlements are complex legal documents. It’s all too easy to sign on the dotted line and not truly understand what it says.

A judge won’t generally approve a divorce settlement that skews too drastically in favor of one spouse or the other. That doesn’t mean it’s entirely fair or as equitable as it could be.

Once the court issues a divorce decree, they’re difficult, not to mention expensive, to modify. If you hire a divorce lawyer, they can help head off potential disasters ahead of time.

If you do go the DIY route, consider consulting an attorney even if you don’t hire a divorce lawyer for the entire case. They can explain your rights, point you in the right direction, and make sure you know exactly what you’re agreeing to before you sign.

Related Reading: Divorce FAQs

How Do I Know When to Hire A Divorce Attorney?

Besides the factors listed above, there are many additional questions to ask yourself when deciding whether or not to hire a divorce attorney. Answering these smaller questions often helps you decide on the big one.

This is by no means an exhaustive list and it certainly doesn’t cover every scenario. However, by the end, you’ll hopefully have a better idea of your needs.

Are You Ready to Divorce?

Infidelity, abuse, financial betrayal, and more. Marriages end for many reasons, but not all of them are dramatic. Often relationships just don’t work out or people drift apart over time. You may roll your eyes and say, “Duh,” at this statement, but you need to consider whether your marriage is truly over and if you’re ready to walk away.

The answer to this question is different for everyone, and though it may sound obvious, it’s an important one to ask.

Related Reading: 4 Divorce Tips and Strategies

Does Your Spouse Have a Divorce Lawyer?

Did your spouse already hire a divorce lawyer? If so, it’s most often in your best interests to hire one of your own. At least do the legwork and explore your options.

We commonly compare representing yourself against an experienced attorney to a beer league softball player getting into the batter’s box against an MLB pitcher. Sure, they’re technically the same game, but not really. It usually puts you at a serious disadvantage.

Related Reading: Preparing for Your Initial Consultation With a Divorce Lawyer

Do You Understand the Legal Paperwork?

You have numerous places where you can download forms, fill them out, and file them yourself. But do you truly know what you’re signing? Legal language and paperwork are notoriously complex and specific.

If you make a mistake it can damage the outcome or even invalidate the entire process.

In many cases, it’s worth the expense to hire a divorce lawyer to guide you through the ins and outs. Or at least to examine the paperwork before you finalize things. That alone often saves people money and headaches.

Related Reading: How to Divorce in Oregon: Forms and Filing

Is Your Divorce High-Conflict?

Most people don’t end a marriage because everything is great. Divorce can be an emotional and tumultuous experience full of bitterness, resentment, and conflict.

People don’t always think straight or consider the consequences of their actions. A divorce lawyer provides a steady hand and rational opinion in chaotic times and keeps you from making rash decisions based on anger.

Related Reading: Is January Really Divorce Month?

Can You And Your Ex Communicate?

One common side effect of conflict in divorce is it often becomes difficult to communicate. If you can’t see or speak to your spouse without fighting, how can you effectively negotiate the terms of your divorce?

Again, experienced representation helps keep situations calm and serves as a buffer or go-between for warring exes who can’t be in the same room.

Related Reading: How Adultery Really Affects Divorce

Do You Know What You’re Entitled To?

Do you know what you’re legally entitled to? Every situation is different, but you have rights to a portion of shared assets. When you have kids, you also have parental rights.

If your spouse has a pension or other retirement account, guess what? You may have a legal claim to a share of that in the settlement.

Divorce comes with a list of rules, regulations, and laws. Many of them are obvious and well-known, but others aren’t. People often give up or miss valuable items because they don’t know their true worth. (For example, did you know airline miles are sometimes divisible?)

If you hire a divorce attorney, they clue you into things you didn’t know existed and keep you from leaving assets on the table.

Related Reading: Financial Mistakes During Divorce

Is Your Divorce Complex?

Do you own multiple homes, keep a fleet of expensive cars, or have multiple children of various ages? While it is possible (again, there’s that word) for you and your ex to hammer out a divorce settlement on your own, the more factors you have to consider, the trickier it becomes and the more potential pitfalls you face.

It’s all too easy to make costly mistakes. Once the documents are signed, it’s a pricey slog to change them. So it’s best, not to mention easier, to do things right the first time.

Related Reading: Legal Marijuana and Child Custody

Is That Divorce Settlement Fair?

As we’ve said, divorce has a major impact on your financial future. It’s important to handle your business so you don’t kick off this new phase of your life in the hole. You can’t just agree to a proposed settlement to be done with the process faster.

What you need is to be certain a settlement is fair and gives you what you need. When you hire a divorce lawyer, they ensure an agreement includes what it should, that it’s the best you’ll get, and whether or not it’s fair.

Related Reading: What’s the Average Cost of Divorce in Oregon?

Can Both Spouses Use The Same Divorce Lawyer?

This question comes up more than you might think. The short answer is: no, you can’t both use the same divorce lawyer.

You’re not legally required to have counsel to divorce, but if you do, you and your spouse each need your own.

Ethical rules—and in most cases, state laws—prohibit attorneys from representing clients with competing interests. And few situations so clearly present a conflict of interest as working for both sides in a divorce.

Even seemingly innocuous questions have different answers for each party. If you ask a question, the response may be different than if your spouse asks the same one, and it’s an attorney’s job to make the language in any documents benefit their client.

No matter what decision you ultimately make, just remember that ending a marriage impacts every facet of your life. With that in mind, it’s almost always in your best interest to hire a divorce lawyer. It seems and often is expensive. No one denies that. However, in most situations, experienced representation only benefits you and your case.

Related Reading: How Is Property Divided In Divorce In Oregon?

Comments 24

  1. I didn’t realize that the age and the length of the marriage could play a part in whether spousal support is necessary. My older brother is going to divorce his wife of 25 years in the next few months. We don’t know what is going to happen but it would probably be good for him to get a good divorce lawyer just in case she tries to get a lot of money out of him.

  2. Hiring a divorce lawyer makes a lot of sense. I had no idea that there is a formula used for determining child support. My sister is going through a divorce soon, and she has four kids. I’ll tell her to look into hiring a lawyer.

  3. Thanks for explaining when people should get a divorce lawyer. It’s good to know that they can help in regards to the division of property and help with dividing the different assets. I’m kind of interested to learn more about what this process could be like depending on the client’s circumstances.

  4. I like that you mentioned that hiring a family law attorney that specializes in child custody can be a huge factor in protecting your rights as a parent. A friend of mine is getting divorced, and right now it doesn’t look like he’ll be getting custody of his daughter. Having an experienced and reliable lawyer would really be great for his case.

  5. I really liked what you said about having a professional care about spousal support. Some people find this to be the hardest part of the process so to have a lawyer to help is great. My friend might like knowing this since she has been asking about divorce law.

  6. I do like how you mentioned that a divorce lawyer could potentially help their client in settling a spousal supports as it can be less systematic and the court would weight many elements before determining anything about it. That is great to have learned since my sister would probably need this information due to her husband being caught cheating with her best friends last night. Hopefully, that guy gets what he deserves and my sister can claim everything from him. I’ll be sure to help her find the best possible divorce lawyer for the case. Thanks!

  7. My wife and I are likely going to split up soon, but I’m not sure if I need a lawyer or not. I like your point about how, in a divorce, your property might not be split fairly. I’ll have to find a lawyer in town to help me get all my property back.

  8. Thanks for pointing out that having a third party can help calm emotions and develop a strategy to protect your rights as a parent in a child custody case. Since my husband and I are getting a divorce, I am wondering if I should hire an attorney to help me through the process. Since we there are children involved, I’ll be sure to hire a divorce attorney.

  9. Very informative!!! Thanks for sharing this blog. I got great information from your blog.

  10. My cousin and her husband decided to separate after being together for three years. It was explained here that they need to have a divorce attorney to divide their properties. Furthermore, it’s advisable to hire an experienced divorce attorney.

  11. I like the fact that divorce lawyers also take care of the settlements, including the division of properties to make sure that you get what you rightfully deserve without chasing in the long run. This is something that my neighbor has been considering a couple of days ago since she and her husband has decided to call it quits. Instead of dealing things among themselves, it will be best if they hire a specialized attorney who can fix their assets to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings as a result of unequal distribution of properties.

  12. When my friend mentioned her need to get a divorce lawyer, I decided to help. She was looking at settlements and how to reach an agreement quickly. To avoid any issues in the future it may help her a lot to hire an attorney with experience.

  13. I really like your point about how people should hire a divorce lawyer to help a guarantee that the division of property is fair and balanced. My son’s marriage fell on the rocks because of infidelity issues. I’ll be sure to share his article with the couple so they can consider getting a reputable divorce lawyer to help them evaluate the issue of property division and child custody.

  14. My cousin and her husband decided to separate after ten years of being together. It was mentioned here that they need a divorce lawyer because they will be dealing with complex things like division of property. Furthermore, it’s advisable to hire an experienced divorce lawyer for the best outcome.

  15. I do agree with you that putting an end to marriage will affect the custody, finances and many other things. Since my friend and her husband have already filed a divorce, the question where the kid will live will definitely be an issue later. As such being the case, my friend has really asked me to look for a lawyer expert in handling divorce case so she could win and have her daughter to live with her also.

  16. Doing some research online is a great way to find a divorce lawyer. I would imagine that online reviews would be brutally honest about their experience with a particular lawyer.

  17. accept that ending a marriage will have ramifications for custody, money, and a variety of other issues. Because my friend and her husband have already filed for divorce, the subject of where the child will reside will undoubtedly arise at some point in the future. As a response, my friend has requested I find a lawyer that specializes in divorce cases so that she may win her case and keep her kid with her.

  18. Divorce is an emotional decision some tips will surely help them to save time and money. If you want both of these then you will need an experienced lawyer.

  19. I will hire a lawyer once I have decided whether I want a divorce or not. The last thing I need is to deal with that on my own. I’d end up losing everything.

  20. Divorce lawyers provide advice on marriage termination, including dividing assets, custody, and the options available to the client under the law. I truly appreciate your great post!

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  23. It’s valuable that you expound on how an attorney is able to help you with the division of assets between you and your spouse when you are getting a divorce. My wife and I are planning to get divorced this month, so I should probably find a good lawyer that can represent me this week. I’m going to look for a reliable divorce lawyer in the area to hire.

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