Oregon State Divorce
Skip AheadDivorce For Men
Divorce is often a time of significant personal turmoil. Be prepared for nearly every aspect of your life to change rapidly. The decisions and choices you make now will certainly impact the rest of your life and the lives of people you care about.
Too often, men rush to settle. It’s easy to make mistakes when you hurry, but these mistakes can cost you. That’s why it’s important to take the time and get things right.
Divorce carries a heavy emotional toll. It’s about so much more than simply ending your marriage. You have to deal with child custody, the division of property, spousal support, and many other hurdles.
Divorce and custody laws vary from one state to the next. Most men benefit from the steady hand of an experienced attorney, one well-versed in Oregon law. Which is precisely what we offer at Goldberg Jones.
The Divorce Process
At a basic level, divorce appears simple.
- You fill out the right forms,
- serve your spouse,
- disclose all assets and debts,
- work out an agreement,
- and sign the final papers.
In uncontested divorce cases, things can go this way. This happens most often in short marriages, ones without children and little property to divide. It’s also possible for spouses to agree on all the key issues.
Our professional team leads you through the legal process, from beginning to end. We start with filing the paperwork and responding to motions and stick with you through the final divorce settlement.
The more you have to deal with, the more complex your case becomes. Children, substantial wealth, or long marriages complicate matters.
You may have to fight for a fair custody arrangement or to make sure you get a reasonable piece of the financial pie. When couples can’t agree on these or other big issues, arbitration or mediation often comes into the picture.
If those methods fail, you may find yourself in court.
In most situations, it’s important to have sound representation. Going against a seasoned legal professional puts you at a disadvantage. Protecting your rights as a husband and father is all we do at Goldberg Jones.
Related Reading: What To Know About Divorce Forms & Filing
Choosing The Best Divorce Attorney
“Best” is a subjective term. It means different things to different people. The idea of hiring the best divorce lawyer varies depending on the case. What works in one situation doesn’t always work in another.
- No two cases play out the same way.
- Every situation has a unique set of variables.
- Every state has its own divorce and custody laws.
If you have children, a lawyer with experience in custody cases may be your best option.
If you have a great deal of property to divide, you’d want an attorney with a background in high asset divorce.
The perfect fit for one case isn’t always a perfect fit for every case. Divorce lawyers often specialize. All we do is family law.
How Goldberg Jones Can Help
Resources To Get You Started
Preparing For A Divorce Consultation
How Is Property Divided In Divorce In Oregon?
The Most Common Mediation Questions Answered.
What Is A Divorce Deposition?
Should You File For Divorce First?
Should You Move Out During Divorce? Not Yet, Here’s Why.
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Goldberg Jones
111 SW Columbia St. Ste 1150
Portland, OR 97201
(503) 731-8888
(503) 731-9968 (fax)

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